Buy your Cheese Curds online made with fresh farm milk from our Honey Brook, PA farm and in our very own vat. You'll love the squeaky experience of cheddar cheese curds freshly prepared and shipped fresh directly to your home or business. No more asking the question "Where can I buy Cheese Curds Online," you have found your match!
Our Cheese Curds Story

Brand new to cheese making, Dave and I took a week-long cheese making training course at The University of Wisconsin. The day before classes were to start, we decided to visit a cheese factory while we anticipated our big day ahead.
We walked into a large factory and found “ Today’s Curds” available on the counter. We were newbies! We thought the ones in the refrigerator were the thing to get. The locals all said we should get “Today’s” and off we went with two bags. We opened them up as we drove back to our hotel exclaiming, “These are amazing; we have to sell these!” Many conversations over the next few days revolved around how we could get people in Pennsylvania hooked on cheese curds! Meanwhile, we couldn’t stop eating them!
The cheese curds were some of the first cheeses we had to sell since they are fresh from the vat. We had fun getting creative with adding flavors like tomato and basil, ranch, and Cajun seasoning.
I think it has taken time to help folks on the East coast learn how delicious these are, but I think we have succeeded. We often sell out before another fresh batch is ready for the shelves.
Cheese Curds From our Farm to your Table
September Farm Cheese Curds might be the most fresh cheddar cheese curds you could find. Our cheese is made from milk on our family farm located near our store. The video at the left shows the process.
Find Your Cheese CurdsThe Cheese Curd Process
Milk from our dairy is first pasteurized before it is ready for cheesemaking. When the milk is at ninety degrees the first ingredient, cheese culture, is added to the milk. Cheese culture, which activates the milk and turns the milk sugars into lactic acid, is also a key ingredient to identifying the cheese’s character after aging.
The next ingredient added is rennet. This ingredient is an enzyme that causes the milk to coagulate, a very fascinating part of cheese making, as the cheese sets up like custard in approximately twenty minutes. It is then time to cut the curd.
This is done by placing curd knives into the vat. These curd knives are basically sets of wires that run horizontally and vertically and cut the entire vat from top to bottom into quarter inch cubes. These cubes are very soft and fragile at first but as they cook, they firm up and continue to release more whey.
Cooking the curd is a very delicate process as we heat the vat with steam from ninety degrees to 102 degrees only allowing it to rise two degrees every five minutes. When the curd is completely cooked we will have 600 pounds of curds from 6000 pounds of milk. Approximately ten percent becomes cheese.
Once the curds are cooked and have reached the correct consistency, we push them to the back of the vat and drain off the whey. The whey that has been drained is eventually spread on neighboring farm fields as fertilizer.
Whey is a byproduct of cheese making but when processed, can be found in other foods we eat as well as some animal feeds.The curds will knit together in the bottom of the vat.
Using a large knife, we will cut them to form large slabs of cheese. These slabs are rotated and stacked every fifteen minutes as they continue to release more whey, firming up and consolidating. This is called the cheddaring process. At this point it is time to “cut the curd.”
We do this by feeding the slabs through a curd mill, which cuts the slabs into finger-sized pieces called cheddar cheese curds. The curds are salted and sometimes find customers waiting for them, warm and fresh, straight from the vat!

Cheese Curd Testimonials
Juli K.
“While I had heard of cheese curds, I'd never eaten any. When I saw curds in September Farms refrigerator, I knew I had to have some. The plain ones were sold out so I picked up one pack of the Spicy Cheddar curds. OH MY GOODNESS. I am in love with curds. I can't wait to go back and get some more. I want to try them deep fried. I want to try them made-fresh that day. I want to put them on salads. SO GOOD. When she told us that they "squeak" when you eat them, I was a little confused. Now I know. I have been converted.”Torben Fasoldt
“The cheese curds are to die for!!”Steve Klepper
“The cheese curds are my go to whenever I stop in.”
Cheese Curd Ingredients

Pasteurized Milk
- The milk used to produce the September Farm Cheese Curds comes directly from dairy cows you can see grazing in meadows around September Farm’s retail store and processing facility. Milk goes directly from the cows’ morning and evening milking to our cheese vat (there is no middle man) and from our vat come cheese curds that you can buy online.
- We do not separate off the fat of our milk prior to making cheese. We want you to get the most benefit possible from healthy cheese. Whole milk is naturally 97% fat free.
- First developed by Louis Pasteur in 1864, pasteurization kills harmful organisms found in many natural foods such as raw fluid milk. Pasteurization is a process in which milk is treated for a specified period of time using heat.

We use non-iodized, semi coarse salt in our cheese. This salt dissolves into our cheese curds at the optimum rate, and serves four very important purposes:
- Encouraging moisture loss/ Altering texture: Salt will draw whey (moisture) out of the cheese. This dries the cheese’s body and has pronounced effects on its texture and stability.
- Neutralizing the acidity in the cheese.
- Enhancing flavor: Salt not only gives cheese a salty taste, but can also help enhance other flavors present.
- Acting as a natural preservative.

- This is a coagulating agent. Microbial Rennet is used to coagulate or thicken milk during the cheese curd making process. This is done prior to cutting the cheese curds, and allows the curds and whey to separate.

Cheese Culture
- There are many different types and variations of cheese culture. These cultures are referred to as Lactic Bacteria. The lactose fermenting bacteria, when added to milk, digests the lactose sugars to produce lactic acid causing the formation of cheese curds.

Seasoning for the Specific Cheese Curd Taste
We offer a variety of seasonings to vary the experience of our cheese curds. You can try Bacon Smoked Cheese Curds, Bacon Horseradish curds, Cajun Cheese Curds and more. If you're sure what you want, try the Curd Collection which gives you four cheese curd flavors so you can taste the various flavors and pick a favorite.

Cheddar Cheese Curds History
Long ago, cheesemakers used to bring fresh cheese curds home for their children as a treat. Eventually they decided to sell them to the public. In the midwest, everyone knows a cheese curd!

How to use Cheese Curds
- Cheese curds make a healthy, calcium rich snack
- Add cheese curds to a packed lunch
- Cheese curds go great with Martin's Pretzels
- Crumble on top of salads
- Put cheese curds inside meatballs before baking
- Try our fried cheese curds in our sandwich shop
Some customers like using our cheese curds to make poutine, a traditional French Canadian dish covering French fries and cheese curds with brown gravy. Sometimes called “Canada’s national dish,” poutine has many variations, but it’s always made best with fresh cheese curds. September Farm can deliver your cheese curds without losing that just-out-of-the-vat freshness.
Buy Cheese Curds Online
September Farm ships our delicious cheese curds straight to your door! Your order of cheese curds will be packaged and shipped quickly, and you’ll still get that classic squeak when you bite into our cheese curds. Try all our flavory options, including Bacon Smoked Cheese Curds, Garlic Dill Cheese Curds, or our traditional favorite One Pound Sack of Original Cheese Curds.

Choose our Cheese Curd Collection
Not sure which flavor of Cheese Curds you will like best? A great place to begin is with our variety pack of cheddar cheese curds. We will send you four packs of our favorite cheese curds and you can try each one. Then when you are ready to buy more cheese curds online, pick the one(s) you like best and enjoy your favorite snack day after day.
Buy the Curd CollectionGuarantee
We guarantee all products to arrive in satisfactory condition to the address given if delivery can be made when first attempted. Delivery services will not forward our packages and many of our gifts can’t stand reshipping.
Shipping & processing
Orders are processed and shipped Monday through Friday. When shipping to warmer climates, we avoid shipping over the weekend. We ship our products UPS or USPS. We cannot assume responsibility for perishable products if we are given an incorrect address.
Delivery time
Most orders arrive between 3-6 business days, depending on processing time and destination. If you would like your order to arrive on a specific time frame, please make note of this in the comment section of your order.

Cheese Curd Recipe: Meatloaf

- 1 ½ pounds ground beef
- ¾ cup oatmeal
- ½ cup chopped onion
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 1 egg
- ¾ cup milk
- September Farm Original Cheese Curds
- Sauce - ¾ cup ketchup, ½ cup brown sugar, 1 tsp mustard
- Mix together all ingredients. Use half of the meatloaf mixture and put into a loaf pan. Sprinkle desired amount of September Farm Original Cheese Curds and cover with remaining meatloaf mixture. Mix together sauce ingredients and put on top. Bake at 350 degrees for one hour.