“Perfect for the fall and holidays, this cheese has the taste of apple pie and cheddar cheese.”
Apple Cinnamon Cheddar Cheese is an American Cheese Society winner. We make this cheese in a 40 pound block and add apples before pressing and aging. Each bar is dusted in cinnamon before packing. It’s like apple pie and cheddar cheese! Delicious! Perfect for the fall and holidays.
Our Apple Cinnamon Cheddar is an American Cheese Society award winner. Each year the American Cheese Society holds a judging and competition in conjunction with their annual conference. An opportunity to shine the spotlight on American cheesemakers by showcasing their talents, we have enjoyed submitting our cheeses over the years. Our Apple Cinnamon Cheddar won awards for its unique and well-balanced combination of apples, cinnamon, and cheddar cheese.
Apples are traditionally a nice accompaniment to cheddar cheese. Perhaps less well-known is the apple pie and cheddar cheese combination. According to Southern Living, “The cheese-apple pie connection is often traced back to England, which is the birthplace of Cheddar and the apple pie. Back in the 17th and 18th century, English pies were often topped with a dairy-based sauce, such as custard. Somehow along the way, Cheddar stepped in for the sauce and the rest was history.” While some people actually enjoy a slice of cheddar atop their slice of apple pie, others prefer slices of cheddar on the side, or even cheddar cheese baked into the pie crust. However the combination, in our Apple Cinnamon Cheddar, we have created the perfect blend of a smooth cheddar, freeze dried premium green apples, and a dusting of cinnamon to create an experience for your taste buds.
Uniquely served anytime, Apple Cinnamon Cheddar will definitely spruce up omelets or quiche. No surprise, it pairs nicely with fruit and light, crispy crackers, and is a perfect addition to your charcuterie board. Try melting it on toasted baguette slices . . . .
In our first years of cheese making, a friend rolled into our cheese shop for a visit and suggested the idea of trying to make an apple cheese. Many years later, we look back remembering that simple suggestion and how it became a cheese we love. We greatly value our customers and their suggestions!
In 2010 our Apple Cinnamon Cheddar won third place at the American Cheese Society Judging and Competition in the category “Cheddar with sweet flavorings, fruits, seasonings, herbs, spices, alcohol/spirits.”
Pasteurized Milk
The milk used to produce this September Farm Cheese comes directly from dairy cows you can see grazing in meadows around September Farm’s retail store and processing facility. Milk goes directly from the cows’ morning and evening milking to our cheese vat (there is no middle man).
We do not separate our milk prior to making cheese. Whole milk is naturally 97% fat free.
First developed by Louis Pasteur in 1864, pasteurization kills harmful organisms found in many natural foods such as raw fluid milk. Pasteurization is a process in which milk is treated for a specified period of time using heat.
We use non-iodized, semi coarse salt in our cheese. This salt dissolves into our cheese at the optimum rate, and serves four very important purposes:
Encouraging moisture loss/ Altering texture: Salt will draw whey (moisture) out of the cheese. This dries the cheese’s body and has pronounced effects on its texture and stability.
Neutralizing the acidity in the cheese.
Enhancing flavor: Salt not only gives cheese a salty taste, but can also help enhance other flavors present.
Acting as a natural preservative.
This is a coagulating agent. Microbial Rennet is used to coagulate or thicken milk during the cheese making process. This is done prior to cutting the curd, and allows the curds and whey to separate.
Cheese Culture
There are many different types and variations of cheese culture. These cultures are referred to as Lactic Bacteria. The lactose fermenting bacteria, when added to milk, digests the lactose sugars to produce lactic acid causing the formation of curds.
Fresh and juicy apples from a local farm
Delicious and spicy condiment used to add flavor to our cheeses
Production Process
Milk from a local dairy is first pasteurized before it is ready for cheesemaking. When the milk is at ninety degrees the first ingredient, cheese culture, is added to the milk. Cheese culture, which activates the milk and turns the milk sugars into lactic acid, is also a key ingredient to identifying the cheese’s character after aging. The next ingredient added is rennet. This ingredient is an enzyme that causes the milk to coagulate, a very fascinating part of cheese making, as the cheese sets up like custard in approximately twenty minutes.
It is then time to cut the curd. This is done by placing curd knives into the vat. These curd knives are basically sets of wires that run horizontally and vertically and cut the entire vat from top to bottom into quarter inch cubes. These cubes are very soft and fragile at first but as they cook, they firm up and continue to release more whey. Cooking the curd is a very delicate process as we heat the vat with steam from ninety degrees to 102 degrees only allowing it to rise two degrees every five minutes. When the curd is completely cooked we will have 600 pounds of curds from 6000 pounds of milk. Approximately ten percent becomes cheese.
Once the curds are cooked and have reached the correct consistency, we push them to the back of the vat and drain off the whey. The whey that has been drained is eventually spread on neighboring farm fields as fertilizer. Whey is a byproduct of cheese making but when processed, can be found in other foods we eat as well as some animal feeds.
The curds will knit together in the bottom of the vat. Using a large knife, we will cut them to form large slabs of cheese. These slabs are rotated and stacked every fifteen minutes as they continue to release more whey, firming up and consolidating. This is called the cheddaring process.
At this point it is time to “cut the curd.” We do this by feeding the slabs through a curd mill, which cuts the slabs into finger-sized pieces called cheddar cheese curds. The curds are salted and sometimes find customers waiting for them, warm and fresh, straight from the vat. The curds that are not packed up fresh, are packed into 40 pound hoops.
The hoops are lined with cheesecloth, and once filled are all ready to go into the press. When put under pressure, the curds knit together to form perfect blocks of cheese. More whey will be expelled from the blocks while under pressure. The next day the cheese will be removed from the press. It is then packed air tight and placed into aging.
Cheddar cheese is aged from three months to three years with longer aging time producing sharper cheeses. All of our cheddar cheese is packed by hand, taking forty pound blocks out of aging and cutting them into eight ounce bars. Much time and attention is given to the cheese at this time. We enjoy making homemade cheese balls and spreads with our cheddar cheese that is trimmed. These trimmed “ends” are also available in our retail store at a discounted price.
cheddar cheese history
Cheddar is the name of the cheese, the name of the gorge in England where this cheese originated and the name of a step in the make procedure that differentiates this family of cheeses.
Color: Ivory
Texture: Dense and smooth, more elastic when young, becoming more crumbly with extended aging.
Flavor: Mild when young, becoming sharper with age.
Typical Composition: 39% maximum moisture, 50% minimum milk-fat solids.
Uses/Serving Suggestions
Spruce up omelets or quiche
Pairs nicely with fruit and light, crispy crackers
Perfect addition to your charcuterie board
Try melting it on toasted baguette slices
Try serving as a dessert cheese
Great for the holidays
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Orders are processed and shipped Monday through Friday. When shipping to warmer climates, we avoid shipping over the weekend.
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Time Most orders arrive between 3-6 business days, depending on processing time and destination. If you would like your order to arrive on a specific time frame, please make note of this in the comment section of your order.